Kahoot DragonBox AS 应用

DragonBox Big Numbers 1.1.4
Kahoot DragonBox AS
Put your child in charge of building a wonderful world for theNooms. Learn how big numbers work through play and exploration.Learn to perform long additions and subtractions. Grow, gather andtrade resources to unlock new worlds, and build houses, and shops.***Perfect for kids between 6 and 9, or kids who have masteredDragonBox Numbers*** FEATURES - An innovative interface that makessolving long additions and subtractions easy - An infinite amountof additions and subtractions to solve. - Over 10 hours of engaginggameplay - No reading required - 6 worlds to explore - Learn tocount in different languages - 10 Different resources to collectand trade - 4 Noom houses to furnish and decorate - No third-partyadvertising - No in-app purchases DragonBox Big Numbers is based onthe same pedagogical principles as the other games in theaward-winning DragonBox series, and works by integrating thelearning seamlessly into the gameplay, no quizzes or mindlessrepetitions. Every interaction in DragonBox Big Numbers is designedto heighten your child’s understanding of mathematics whilemotivating them to keep learning through play and exploration.
Login Access: DB Big Numbers 1.1.4
NOTE! This version of DragonBox Big Numbers requires a specialaccount. If you haven’t used a code card, or signed up for TeacherAccess, you need to download the regular version of DragonBox BigNumbers.
Magnus Kingdom of Chess 1.4.1
"Magnus' Kingdom of Chess" is the fun way for children from 5yearsold to learn chess and unleash their cognitive potential.Thisgroundbreaking game is the result of a collaboration betweenWorldChampion Magnus Carlsen and his team of chess experts atPlayMagnus, and DragonBox; a pedagogy studio globally acclaimed foritsunique math learning games. No advertisements. No in-apppurchases.Just peace of mind for parents that their kids areplaying with apremium, world-class learning app. Pedagogical steps:- Learninghow different pieces move and capture. - Learning thenotion ofcheckmate and simple checkmating patterns. - Learning tocompletesimple tactical and strategic tasks. - Intro to basiccheckmatingtechniques against a lone king. - Complete games versusa basicchess engine. The main goal of "Magnus' Kingdom of Chess" istointroduce children to chess rules and strategies so theylearnenough to transition to a real board. Through a smoothprogression,kids will be introduced to each chess pieces over sixdifferentworlds where players will meet Magnus Carlsen himself aswell as amysterious Prince. Step by step they will solve chesssituationswith more and more pieces, and apply more and more chessrules.Once they complete the game they receive a diploma andthey'll beready to play against other children, family or atschool, as wellas playing with other apps from Play Magnus such asthe Magnustrainer or Play Magnus. About chess and its benefits Over600million people all over the world play chess. It is a gameplayedand enjoyed by all kinds of people, regardless of age,background,nationality or gender. Across the world, chess iscommonly used asa part of the curriculum because schools andteachers see thebenefits chess can have on concentration, logicalthinking,numeracy and social interaction. Educational studies haveshowneffects on both math and reading results among students.
Login Access: DB Algebra 12+ 2.3.1
NOTE! This version of DragonBox Algebra 12+ requires aspecialaccount. If you haven’t used a code card, or signed up forTeacherAccess, you need to download the regular version ofDragonBoxAlgebra 12+.
Login Access: DB Elements 1.2.44
Have fun solving difficult geometry problems!
Login Access: DB Algebra 5+ 1.3.7
NOTE! This version of DragonBox Algebra 5+ requires aspecialaccount. If you haven’t used a code card, or signed up forTeacherAccess, you need to download the regular version ofDragonBoxAlgebra 5+.
Login Access: Les Noums CE1 2023.0.1
WARNING! This version of Les Noums CE1 requires a DragonBoxaccount.
DragonBox Algebra 5+ 1.3.7
Kahoot DragonBox AS
DragonBox Algebra 5+ - The game that secretly teachesalgebraDragonBox Algebra 5+ Is perfect for giving young children aheadstart in mathematics and algebra. Children as young as fivecaneasily begin to grasp the basic processes involved insolvinglinear equations without even realising that they arelearning. Thegame is intuitive, engaging and fun, allowing anyoneto learn thebasics of algebra at his or her own pace. DragonBoxAlgebra 5+covers the following algebraic concepts: * Addition *Division *Multiplication Suitable from age five and up, DragonBoxAlgebra 5+gives young learners the opportunity to get familiar withthebasics of equation solving. DragonBox uses a novelpedagogicalmethod based on discovery and experimentation. Playerslearn how tosolve equations in a playful and colorfull gameenvironment wherethey are encouraged to experiment and be creative.By manipulatingcards and trying to isolate the DragonBox on oneside of the gameboard, the player gradually learns the operationsrequired toisolate X on one side of an equation. Little by little,the cardsare replaced with numbers and variables, revealing theaddition,division and multiplication operators the player has beenlearningthroughout the game. Playing does not require supervision,althoughparents can assist them in transferring learned skills intopen andpaper equation solving. It is a great game for parents toplay withtheir kids and can even give them an opportunity tofreshen uptheir own math skills. DragonBox was developed by formermathteacher Jean-Baptiste Huynh and has been heralded as aperfectexample of game-based learning. As a result, it iscurrentlyforming the basis of an extensive research project by theCenterFor Game Science at the University of Washington. Features *10progressive chapters (5 learning, 5 training) * 200 puzzles *Learnto solve equations involving addition, subtraction, divisionandmultiplication * Multiple profiles * Dedicated graphics andmusicfor each chapter * supported languages: English, français,norsk,svenska, dansk, español, 한국어, italiano, português,Deutsch,русский, 简体中文, 繁體中文, suomi, Nederlands, Eesti, Euskara,Türkçe,Čeština, Lietuvių, Magyar, 日本語... Awards: Gold Medal2012International Serious Play Awards Best Educational Game 2012Funand Serious Games Festival Best Serious Mobile Game 2012SeriousGames Showcase & Challenge App of the Year GullTasten2012Children’s App of the Year GullTasten 2012 Best Serious Game9thInternational Mobile Gaming Awards (2012 IMGA) 2013 ON forLearningAward Common Sense Media Best Nordic Innovation Award 20132013Nordic Game Awards Editors choice award Children’sTechnologyReview
DragonBox Algebra 12+ 2.3.1
Kahoot DragonBox AS
DragonBox Algebra 12+ is a must-have tool for students so theycanearn better grades and gain confidence in algebra andmathematics.It is based on the award winning game DragonBox Algebra5+ butcovers more advanced topics in mathematics and algebra:*Parentheses * Positive and Negative signs * Addition ofFractions(Common Denominators) * Collection of Like Terms *Factorization *Substitution DragonBox Algebra 12+ gives players agreaterunderstanding of what mathematics is all about: objects andtherelationships between objects. This educational gametargetschildren from the ages of 12 to 17 but children (or adults)of allages can enjoy it. Playing doesn’t require supervision,althoughparents can enjoy playing along with their children andmaybe evenfreshen up their own math skills. DragonBox Algebra 12+introducesall these elements in a playful and colorful worldappealing to allages. The player learns at his/her own pace byexperimenting withrules that are introduced gradually. Progress isillustrated withthe birth and growth of a dragon for each newchapter. Dr. PatrickMarchal, Ph.D. in cognitive science, andJean-Baptiste Huynh, ahigh school teacher, created DragonBoxAlgebra 12+ as an intuitive,interative and efficient way to learnalgebra. DragonBox Algebra12+ is based on a novel pedagogicalmethod developed in Norway thatfocuses on discovery andexperimentation. Players receive instantfeedback which differs fromthe traditional classroom setting wherestudents can wait weeks forfeedback. DragonBox Algebra 12+ createsan environment for kidswhere they can learn, enjoy and appreciatemath. Our previouseducational game, DragonBox Algebra 5+ hasreceived manydistinctions including the Gold Medal of the 2012Serious Play Award(USA), the Best Serious game at Bilbao´s Fun andSerious GameFestival and the Best Serious Game at the 2013International MobileGaming Awards. It is also recommended byCommon Sense Media where itwon the Learn ON award. Features * 20progressive chapters (10learning, 10 training) * 357 puzzles *Basic algebraic rules withwhich the child can experiment * A focuson minimal instructionencourages creativity and experimentationfrom the player * Multipleprofiles for easy progress control *Dedicated graphics and musicfor each chapter * Multiple supportedlanguages (English, français,norsk, svenska, dansk, español, 한국어,italiano, português, Deutsch,русский, 简体中文, 繁體中文, suomi,Nederlands, Eesti, Euskara, Türkçe...)
DragonBox Elements 1.2.0
Kahoot DragonBox AS
Embark on a great learning adventure! Discover the fundamentalsofgeometry with your family! Watch your kids learn geometry inamatter of hours, without them even noticing they’re learning!(mainlearning features below) By playing the 100+ puzzles inDragonBoxElements, kids (and adults, too) will gain a deepunderstanding ofthe logic of geometry. Through entertainingexploration anddiscovery, players use shapes and their propertiesto actuallyrecreate the mathematical proofs that define geometry!Whimsicalcharacters and captivating puzzles motivate players tokeeplearning. Since the geometry in the game remains hidden, kidslearnand gain confidence even if mathematics is a subject theydon’tusually feel comfortable with. Amazing fun with amazingresults!DragonBox Elements takes its inspiration from “Elements”,one ofthe most influential works in the history of mathematics.Writtenby the Greek mathematician Euclid, "Elements" describesthefoundations of geometry using a singular and coherentframework.Its 13 volumes have served as a reference textbook forover 23centuries, and DragonBox Elements makes it possible forplayers tomaster its essential axioms and theorems after just acouple ofhours playing! Learning features: * Learn as a family,throughguidance and collaborative play, with up to 4 individualgame saves* 100+ levels, for several hours of intensive logicalreasoningpractice * Aligned with the concepts studied in highschool andmiddle school mathematics * Explore the properties ofgeometricshapes through Euclidian proof: triangles (scalene,isosceles,equilateral, right), circles, quadrilaterals(trapezoid,parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square), rightangles, linesegments, parallel and transversal lines, verticalangles,corresponding angles, corresponding angles converse, andmore *Improve logical reasoning skills dramatically bycreatingmathematical proofs and solving geometrical puzzles * Gainaninstinctive understanding of the properties of shapes andanglesthrough play * Transfer what you have learned to pen andpaper withthe learning resources found on wewanttoknow.comRecommended fromage 8 (the guidance of an adult may be required foryoungerchildren)
Login Access: DB Numbers 1.8.4
NOTE! This version of DragonBox Numbers requires a specialaccount.If you haven’t used a code card, or signed up for TeacherAccess,you need to download the regular version of DragonBoxNumbers.
Login Access: Les Noums CP 2023.0.1
WARNING! This version of Les Noums CP requires a DragonBox account.
Login Access: DB Skole 1 2022.2.5
Math activities for DragonBox School. (NOTE: registered accountrequired)